New Hampshire Let Me Down

The state of New Hampshire, which I’m sure has many redeeming virtues, completely let me down. Usually I am able to keep busy due to the people that contact me in a given state, but not a single person from New Hampshire contacted me.

“Quit whining,” says AG. “No one likes a whiner.”

True that. In my defense, I was merely stating that fact to provide context for an exciting adventure.

“Oh, okay then. Tell me tell me!”

It begain like an ordinary day.

MOVIE PREVIEW MAN: One day in New Hampshire. No musicians. No host. Two happening dudes.
WOMAN: Watch out!!!
MPM: Action…
MAN: AAAAAhhhhhh!!!
MPM: Adventure…
OTHER MAN: We’re headed straight for that–

You know what? Never mind. I can’t really make this day seem exciting.

The scenery and the weather were both beautiful so we stopped at a rest area promising free wi-fi to hang out for a bit.

Free wi-fi from its bonds!

We unpacked some stuff

The faithful Lovemobile after several thousand miles of Touring.

And set our computers up

Only weather this beautiful could make me smile when there's no wifi.

but there was not, in fact, any wifi. The sign saying “Free Wi-fi” was evidently a political sign positing that we should not limit our network traffic but rather leave all our networks open and free, rather than an indicator of something that exists nearby. So we enjoyed the weather for a few more minutes before continuing on. I figured we may as well head toward the next stop since we didnt’ have a stop yet in NH. I kept hoping someone from Couchsurfing would contact me about hosting, so I wanted to be in a “central NH” area in the event that such a person called.

We went to Concord. There was a capitol-type building there.

This was a large impressive building, visible from far away.

It was dark.

At the top, or as they say in France, le top.

“Hey 잭티처!!” clamor a handful of nearby Korean elementary school students.

What, students?

“Did a host contact you or not?”

Not. It was my second night sleeping in the car, JH’s first. God bless bench seats. We found an out-of-the-way place and slept there, but it got a bit warm in the morning.

At the top, or as they say in France, le top.

New Hampshire was a fun adventure, but not the type of adventure I’d been hoping to have.

NEXT: Adventures I’d been hoping to have!