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Zarqon's BAT KING OF THE WORLD Progress

Hi, I'm Zarqon (#1406236), a bat enthusiast, and I'm attempting to become BAT KING OF THE WORLD by collecting these unspeakable giant bugs. If you appreciate my scripting work, please help me in my goal by kmailing me any of the items listed here! In the interest of transparency, I here provide you with my current progress! (updated daily)

Bat Progress Table
Last updated Sun, 14 Apr 2024 13:20:18 +0000

ItemRankAmountNext RankTop RankCompleteDonors
Next: +1100 Inv: 406




D Fever - 120,268
Crowther - 27,284
baldjared - 4,511
Bale - 935
mskc - 443
Jaylee - 439
KentKronos - 412
Gawea - 381
intermIssIon - 333
Stormfire - 195
The Oaktinator - 194
Mellissaleo - 176
mrOaks - 172
MuscleMolly - 161
MammaBear - 145
Acromaxia - 129
Cheesecake_Baby - 121
WelcomeWagoner - 121
CoC - 112
PhilmASTErpLus - 111
Donavin69 - 107
Nemexia - 104
IceColdFever - 100
PetshopBarbarian - 100
Roa - 88
Pastry Queen - 83
Kami - 77
kasanax - 74
turtlesoup - 74
SevenLances - 73
smyrnian - 66
snooty - 66
NachoMomma - 59
Soolar the Second - 59
pretentiouslypastalicious - 58
Smeagol69 - 57
AjandAjj - 54
Razorsoup - 52
Zorro the Brave - 51
Uggh - 49
Goobertina - 48
phil8675309 - 48
Alotavagina - 47
TooLoathing - 45
Zaranthos - 45
allsealsmustdie - 45
EAF Marine - 44
The Oakceror - 44
kornjaca - 43
superhumancc - 43
sassysauceress - 41
Kapi_K - 40
Pawn69 - 39
Loyal Minion - 38
Dameoshi - 37
RisenJihad - 37
MrEdge73 - 36
RedRick - 36
Sonshou - 36
Sir William de Ros - 34
zydecopolka - 34
Chef_Rannos - 33
Torne - 33
damuri - 31
Elemental_Burn - 30
MenacetheFun - 30
PiKolo - 30
Quelzie - 30
pyro_0 - 30
PoiSonouS Spike - 29
SirLazarus - 29
Mandoline - 28
deathshade - 27
AddyHD - 26
Infopowerbroker - 26
VincentRanok - 26
boxwhore - 26
koljunkie - 25
Nightcrawler_X - 24
lovetocook - 21
RobinHoodie - 20
PastaDude7L - 19
Razorstew - 17
sealsRus - 17
Gemlad - 16
Chapu - 15
Negative One Kelvin - 15
b03dany - 15
frodoBatman - 14
miea - 13
JustinOtherSauceror - 12
Twiller - 10
MenacetheBot - 9
Scumble - 9
Tessarex - 9
Scummo - 8
tkrun42 - 8
El Diablo Pollo - 7
Kaluna - 7
Eldritch Rigatoni - 6
Deafgeek - 5
Frito - 5
Mylltn2 - 5
PthaloTurtle - 5
Urol - 5
Nanimonai - 4
FlexManning - 3
SparkyWahoo - 3
Steve Hanler - 3
ZeHamberglar - 3
BaronTing - 2
ZombieFoot - 2
Cardern - 1
DivergentDave - 1
patochaos - 1
peter petrelli - 1
bat wing
Next: +110 Inv: 1

+10,493, 1,049,200 μ


+10,493, 1,049,200 μ

KentKronos - 865
Bale - 825
Crowther - 457
Jaylee - 325
mskc - 306
Missus Kelain - 264
The Oaktinator - 264
Story - 248
Gawea - 215
KindFox - 186
Stormfire - 161
Beige - 150
WelcomeWagoner - 143
PoiSonouS Spike - 142
OldGuardMeat - 133
MuscleMolly - 132
mrOaks - 132
PhilmASTErpLus - 118
MammaBear - 117
Acromaxia - 111
Cheesecake_Baby - 102
antiflyingmonkeys - 100
turtlesoup - 98
Infopowerbroker - 94
Nemexia - 91
Quelzie - 91
Roa - 80
Pastry Queen - 78
Donavin69 - 72
Fasta Pazooli - 63
tkrun42 - 62
Torne - 57
smyrnian - 57
Kami - 56
NachoMomma - 55
snooty - 54
Razorsoup - 53
The Oakceror - 51
phil8675309 - 51
CoC - 49
LukeMcNuke - 49
Uggh - 48
AjandAjj - 46
kornjaca - 46
Alotavagina - 44
Calistus - 43
Soolar the Second - 43
zydecopolka - 42
superhumancc - 41
Zorro the Brave - 40
pretentiouslypastalicious - 40
SevenLances - 39
bmaher - 38
sassysauceress - 38
Zaranthos - 37
allsealsmustdie - 37
lovetocook - 36
Smeagol69 - 35
TooLoathing - 35
RisenJihad - 32
Chef_Rannos - 31
PiKolo - 31
Theophrastus - 31
MenacetheFun - 30
koljunkie - 30
Loyal Minion - 29
Elemental_Burn - 28
Kapi_K - 28
AddyHD - 26
boxwhore - 26
MrEdge73 - 25
Mandoline - 23
VincentRanok - 23
Buyuu - 21
Pawn69 - 21
PastaDude7L - 19
Scummo - 19
pyro_0 - 19
deathshade - 18
Twiller - 17
sealsRus - 17
Gemlad - 15
miea - 14
RedRick - 11
RobinHoodie - 11
damuri - 11
El Diablo Pollo - 10
Iktome - 10
MenacetheBot - 10
Tessarex - 10
b03dany - 10
Dameoshi - 9
Frito - 9
JustinOtherSauceror - 8
Negative One Kelvin - 8
Razorstew - 7
Scumble - 7
The Craptain - 7
Chapu - 6
Eldritch Rigatoni - 6
FlexManning - 5
Mylltn2 - 5
Urol - 4
ZeHamberglar - 4
Charon the Foot - 3
Nightcrawler_X - 3
ZombieFoot - 3
intermIssIon - 3
pugly - 3
wertperch - 3
BaronTing - 2
Fluxxdog - 2
SparkyWahoo - 2
Racso - 1
Steve Hanler - 1
wishes he was a mod - 1
bat guano
Next: +100 Inv: 31

+2,493, 246,200 μ


+286,794, 28,676,300 μ

Crowther - 1,122
D Fever - 350
KentKronos - 319
PazSox - 213
mskc - 171
Bale - 142
Taker of Things - 125
Stormfire - 110
Jaylee - 109
Soolar the Second - 106
Story - 102
Missus Kelain - 86
MuscleMolly - 82
Acromaxia - 79
PoiSonouS Spike - 78
Quelzie - 73
Cheesecake_Baby - 72
The Oaktinator - 69
mrOaks - 66
PhilmASTErpLus - 57
Mellissaleo - 56
Nemexia - 54
JayTenda - 50
antiflyingmonkeys - 50
damuri - 49
kornjaca - 47
LukeMcNuke - 45
WelcomeWagoner - 39
Kami - 36
NachoMomma - 32
Ryan_The_Leach - 30
smyrnian - 28
Sonshou - 25
TooLoathing - 25
CoC - 24
Donavin69 - 23
Uggh - 23
Fasta Pazooli - 22
phil8675309 - 21
EAF Marine - 20
Calistus - 19
Roa - 19
Smeagol69 - 18
IceColdFever - 17
MammaBear - 17
MenacetheFun - 17
KindFox - 15
Torne - 15
AddyHD - 14
Aldous Moxie - 14
Goobertina - 14
RedRick - 14
Zorro the Brave - 14
Alotavagina - 13
Beige - 13
Loyal Minion - 13
AjandAjj - 12
Chef_Rannos - 12
PiKolo - 12
Pastry Queen - 11
Razorsoup - 11
miea - 11
Iktome - 10
MajorLandmark - 10
Pawn69 - 10
deathshade - 10
The Oakceror - 9
Chapu - 8
Ragarth the forgetful - 8
RobinHoodie - 8
spooky_mush - 8
MrEdge73 - 7
Dameoshi - 6
frodoBatman - 6
Deafgeek - 5
FlexManning - 5
bmaher - 5
Eldritch Rigatoni - 4
Mandoline - 4
Mylltn2 - 4
b03dany - 4
Flappy132 - 3
Infopowerbroker - 3
Rufus Flecher - 3
Tessarex - 3
boxwhore - 3
El Diablo Pollo - 2
Gemlad - 2
MenacetheBot - 2
RisenJihad - 2
Scummo - 2
JustinOtherSauceror - 1
ZeHamberglar - 1
intermIssIon - 1
peter petrelli - 1
wishes he was a mod - 1
bat wing kabob
Next: +110 Inv: 76

+116, 4,000 μ


+116, 4,000 μ

Gawea - 33
Crowther - 8
Dameoshi - 4
Bale - 2
KindFox - 2
Zorro the Brave - 2
Acromaxia - 1
KentKronos - 1
PhilmASTErpLus - 1
Racso - 1
turtlesoup - 1
bat haggis
Next: +110 Inv: 53

+16,396, 6,537,200 μ


+16,396, 6,537,200 μ

UnknownUser - 2,000
PazSox - 1,218
D Fever - 750
Taker of Things - 500
JimblyCakes - 158
LukeMcNuke - 79
Gawea - 16
MajorLandmark - 12
Acromaxia - 5
Loyal Minion - 5
zydecopolka - 5
pretentiouslypastalicious - 4
spooky_mush - 4
Nightcrawler_X - 3
pyro_0 - 3
Crowther - 2
VincentRanok - 2
Zorro the Brave - 2
sealsRus - 2
snooty - 2
Elemental_Burn - 1
Infopowerbroker - 1
Jaylee - 1
Kapi_K - 1
KentKronos - 1
KindFox - 1
Quelzie - 1
Zaranthos - 1
lovetocook - 1
sassysauceress - 1
superhumancc - 1
turtlesoup - 1
Next: +110 Inv: 2

+14,441, 3,898,530 μ


+16,336, 4,410,180 μ

Bale - 524
elbie - 479
Crowther - 177
Taker of Things - 175
KentKronos - 123
Missus Kelain - 89
WelcomeWagoner - 83
mskc - 81
The Oaktinator - 70
mrOaks - 66
D Fever - 55
The Oakceror - 54
JimblyCakes - 40
Jaylee - 36
Pastry Queen - 35
intermIssIon - 33
RisenJihad - 30
Mellissaleo - 28
Donavin69 - 25
KindFox - 25
Torne - 25
boxwhore - 25
Beige - 24
Story - 21
MammaBear - 20
Roa - 20
Goobertina - 19
Kami - 19
Soolar the Second - 18
Alotavagina - 15
CoC - 14
MrEdge73 - 11
Smeagol69 - 11
JustinOtherSauceror - 10
Loyal Minion - 10
AjandAjj - 9
PoiSonouS Spike - 9
Razorsoup - 9
Cheesecake_Baby - 8
MajorLandmark - 8
Mandoline - 8
kornjaca - 8
NachoMomma - 7
Racso - 7
Stormfire - 7
Zorro the Brave - 7
b03dany - 7
tkrun42 - 7
Kaluna - 6
Chef_Rannos - 5
Macatoni - 5
PiKolo - 5
Quelzie - 5
RedRick - 5
Sonshou - 5
Chapu - 4
El Diablo Pollo - 4
Infopowerbroker - 4
DivergentDave - 3
Fasta Pazooli - 3
FlexManning - 3
MuscleMolly - 3
Pawn69 - 3
Ragarth the forgetful - 3
Scumble - 3
Tessarex - 3
TooLoathing - 3
deathshade - 3
Dameoshi - 2
Deafgeek - 2
EAF Marine - 2
Twiller - 2
smyrnian - 2
BaronTing - 1
Buyuu - 1
Frito - 1
JustinOtherThief - 1
MenacetheBot - 1
Mermer - 1
RobinHoodie - 1
Scummo - 1
Steve Hanler - 1
ZeHamberglar - 1
antiflyingmonkeys - 1
damuri - 1
phil8675309 - 1
wertperch - 1
rewinged stab bat
Next: +110 Inv: 102




Guyy - 118
bat wing stir-fry
Next: +110 Inv: 81




Bale - 569
Infopowerbroker - 306
Gawea - 22
Sonshou - 15
Gemlad - 5
KentKronos - 3
Nemexia - 2
damuri - 1
Next: +110 Inv: 87




Kain - 320
D Fever - 10
Donavin69 - 5
Crowther - 1
Framistan - 1
PastaDude7L - 1
turtlesoup - 1
tiny plastic stab bat
Next: +100 Inv: 24




Kain - 18,101
Alhifar - 2,500
Gawea - 10
kornjaca - 4
Fasta Pazooli - 2
Mellissaleo - 2
Razorsoup - 2
Crowther - 1
Racso - 1
tiny plastic Cheshire bat
Next: +110 Inv: 72

+273, 3,151,278 μ


+46,809, 732,742,686 μ

Kain - 88
Gawea - 22
MzSwan - 7
Higardi - 6
kornjaca - 6
Zarquon - 5
DivergentDave - 4
Razorsoup - 2
Crowther - 1
Fasta Pazooli - 1
Racso - 1
stuffed stab bat
Next: +110 Inv: 32




Soolar the Second - 50
Crowther - 18
Xanth - 5
Bob_Loblaw_Law_Blog - 2
FitzTheDestroyer - 1
Frito - 1
JazzyJ - 1
Johnatton - 1
Kuruz - 1
Landamus - 1
VladYvhuce - 1
oLm - 1
Boss Bat britches
Next: +10 Inv: 3




Boss Bat bling
Next: +11 Inv: 2




stuffed Cheshire bitten
Next: +110 Inv: 56




CafeBoob - 273
CafeBabe - 241
Sir William de Ros - 209
Vincent la Zouche - 188
Loyal Minion - 177
Crowther - 170
DivergentDave - 96
Mellissaleo - 88
Fronobulax - 76
baldjared - 63
Tessarex - 61
Missus Kelain - 48
Kaluna - 36
RedRick - 29
Torne - 28
Racso - 27
MammaBear - 25
Taker of Things - 25
NachoMomma - 22
b03dany - 22
Mandoline - 20
wishes he was a mod - 15
RobinHoodie - 13
Zorro the Brave - 13
Void11GM2 - 10
boxwhore - 9
Razorsoup - 8
Klaxis - 6
Macatoni - 5
VladYvhuce - 5
WackabiWackabi - 5
Bale - 3
Negative One Kelvin - 3
Steve Hanler - 3
Deafgeek - 1
Goobertina - 1
Razorstew - 1
bat-shaped Crimboween cookie
Next: +10 Inv: 7



+428, 629,395 μ

Zorro the Brave - 1
leathery bat skin
Next: +110 Inv: 1

+10,204, 22,956,750 μ


+15,531, 34,942,500 μ

Taker of Things - 600
KentKronos - 410
Bale - 352
Crowther - 304
mskc - 229
Steve Hanler - 129
Gawea - 124
Roa - 124
Soolar the Second - 119
Beige - 111
Mellissaleo - 71
Donavin69 - 66
Razorsoup - 57
Negative One Kelvin - 56
boxwhore - 49
Quelzie - 43
Zorro the Brave - 43
Torne - 31
bmaher - 30
Smeagol69 - 27
Fasta Pazooli - 25
Cheesecake_Baby - 24
Pawn69 - 22
Scumble - 22
Goobertina - 20
Nanimonai - 20
tkrun42 - 17
EAF Marine - 14
Gemlad - 12
Kaluna - 11
Iktome - 10
Mermer - 9
ChemNerd24 - 8
Charon the Foot - 5
Deafgeek - 5
Pastry Queen - 4
kornjaca - 4
AjandAjj - 3
Jaylee - 2
DivergentDave - 1
ZeHamberglar - 1
peter petrelli - 1
bat hat
Next: +110 Inv: 46




JimblyCakes - 10
Gawea - 3
Kaluna - 1
Zaranthos - 1
kornjaca - 1
bat whip
Next: +110 Inv: 62




Gawea - 4
Infopowerbroker - 1
Kapi_K - 1
KindFox - 1
Soolar the Second - 1
Zaranthos - 1
kornjaca - 1
bat-ass leather jacket
Next: +110 Inv: 100

+1,680, 5,846,000 μ


+1,680, 5,846,000 μ

Kain - 122
Aldous Moxie - 44
Soolar the Second - 3
Gawea - 2
Damien12 - 1
DivergentDave - 1
Donavin69 - 1
Kaluna - 1
KentKronos - 1
ZombieFoot - 1
kornjaca - 1
tiny plastic Boss Bat
Next: +110 Inv: 65




D Fever - 2,412
Infopowerbroker - 42
kornjaca - 7
Mellissaleo - 5
Crowther - 3
MzSwan - 3
Razorsoup - 2
DivergentDave - 1
Racso - 1
tiny plastic beanbat
Next: +110 Inv: 5

+12,592, 8,810,900 μ


+12,592, 8,810,900 μ

Kain - 224
Crowther - 8
Gawea - 4
Mellissaleo - 4
kornjaca - 4
Missus Kelain - 2
Razorsoup - 2
tiny plastic briefcase bat
Next: +110 Inv: 105

+6,168, 266,741,685 μ


+6,168, 266,741,685 μ

Kain - 692
Crowther - 12
Mellissaleo - 9
Gawea - 5
DivergentDave - 3
Racso - 3
kornjaca - 3
Razorsoup - 2
RobinHoodie - 2
Next: +110 Inv: 56




fossilized bat skull
Next: +10 Inv: 1

+9, 584,000 μ


+9, 584,000 μ

D Fever - 157
DivergentDave - 2
tiny plastic blazing bat
Next: +110 Inv: 70

+2,609, 40,624,000 μ


+17,613, 280,688,000 μ

slotwin - 22
Deafgeek - 2
Crowther - 1
Fasta Pazooli - 1
Next: +110 Inv: 109




Gawea - 73
KindFox - 19
KentKronos - 18
Soolar the Second - 4
VladYvhuce - 3
replica bat-oomerang
Next: +11 Inv: 9




Batfellow - 31

Script Registry by zarqon is provided as a free service to users of KoLmafia,
who are in turn players of Kingdom of Loathing, which is © 2007 Asymmetric Publications, LLC