How to Talk Good
Lesson #1: Exclamations/Expletives and Their Proper Use
Stromberg! : the Universal Euphemism, can be used to mean anything. Usu. negative although the shortened version "strom" can mean "pal" or "buddy." In exceptionally intense situations one may wish to amplify the quality or quantity of Stromberg involved, such as "Holy Stromberg!" or "Flaming buckets of molten stromberg!"
HOLY FOLEY!! : expresses awe, shock or wonder
C'est le duc! (It is the duck!) : used in place of "C'est la vie!" meaning "that's life."
Je m'appelle! : said after someone says something profound
Ho chi min! : Pioneered by Eric Gayer, again expressing awe, shock or wonder.
Bryce's mom! : the Ultimate Comeback
Hwing-plur! : best when said at completely random times or as an answer to a question; can also be used to express mindless goodwill, or for another usage which is too complicated to explain... we'll just say it involves Sue Mi Kim.
Son of a Gustaf! : (this phrase was inspired by Matt Gustafson.) best when said while shaking head
Crapping dog! : substitute for "darn" etc. One may also use more creative derivatives, such as "farting wildebeest!" or "crouching tiger!"
Increvable! : use in place of "Incredible" (this is French for puncture-proof)