Quotebook: **Special "Women and Pies" Section**
Make me a pie, woman! -Nate Ihnen
All women need to take in school is Home Economics... so they can make men pies. -Phil Hahn
ME: VCRs for all and pies made by women!
NATE: That's right. And slap 'em if they don't make good ones.
I make good pies. -Kris (Paul's wife Kris)
I just want to make pies... -Stephi
All women make pies. Those who don't are defective... (sees Chanda coming) ...like mine. Here she comes, my defective non-pie-making wife, with her "I'm not going to make you any pies" saunter. Her very gait implies that she refuses to make me pies. -Phil, who DOESN'T LIKE PIES