Survey Archives: survey from 1.19.2005

Hi friends!

I decided in honor of my incredibly light 14th and final semester here at NCU I would use some of my abundant time to respond to this survey sent by my friend Jeremy Wilson. It's short, compared to some of the surveys I've done, but so was my notice... I mean, honestly people. Stop complaining. Actually, feel free to complain. If something bothers you, let the world know! You can even let ME know at my new apt number, (612) 343-8572. Complaints welcome.

1. What time did you get up this morning?
It does not bode well for this survey that its first question is an oxymoron.

2. Diamonds or pearls?
Pearls have got to be one of the most annoying things ever. So you're a clam right? You naturally produce nacre, this gorgeous stuff you use to line your shell. Somehow some little grain of sand gets in there. You are irritated by this, being a clam without opposeable thumbs to remove the sand with (or any muscles other than open-close, really). So in frustration you start layering IT with nacre too hoping it will get the picture and leave. Does it? No! And now it's bigger because it's covered in nacre! But clams not being the brightest, you keep layering it, harboring this increasingly bigger annoyance within you. Life is like a clam.

Also, isn't it amazing what people do with carbon? Like God, what does He make with carbon? Diamonds, and All Living Things. People? They make Buckyballs! And they win Nobel prizes for this crap! Sigh. Also, I've always wondered, with Carbon-14 dating, what if there's an animal made entirely out of Carbon-14? How do you tell how old IT is?

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Sequence of Unpleasant Happenings, or whatever

4. What is your favorite TV show?
We have a TV now. It's sitting on our floor. We may plug it in someday.

5. What did you have for breakfast?
Cereal and juice. I know, so American, right?

6. What is your middle name?
Latitudinal center, longitudinal center, or geographical center? Because two of them would give you Scott, the other one's a null entity.

7. Favorite cuisine?
Probably Carnival, I like how they make their boats look like whales because of the big fin sticking in the air. Plus, who doesn't like carnivals? It's great!

8. What foods do you dislike?
You know, the stuff most people don't like... like steak, popcorn, spaghetti, and potato chips.

9. What is your favorite crisp flavor?
Mmmmm... crisp.

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
"Veil of Gossamer" by Dave Bainbridge

11. What kind of car do you drive?
The Taurus of Love (see relevant story in my Compendium)

12. Favorite sandwich?
It's hard to beat a good BLT made with fresh garden tomatoes.

13. What characteristic do you despise?
Can I just make one up? How about pustules? Gross, huh? Or I know, the nasty face of that Orc general guy in Return of the King. You know, the guy who was like "The hour of men is over. The hour of the Orc has come." (honestly, what orc says that?)

14. Favorite item of clothing?
Probably have to be lingerie. Not on ME obviously.

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be?
Sun + no cold = happy Zach.

16. What color is your bathroom?
There is a yellow duck painted on our bathroom vanity. A duck!! Our new apartment needs some serious TLC.

17. Favorite brand of clothing?
Things where you put them on and go mmmmm, or when people accidentally brush by they go, "wow that's smooth/soft/interesting." if there's a brand that only makes stuff like that, then... that brand.

18. Where would you retire to?
Close to loved ones and the sun. (the equator during the earth's perigee is pushing it though... I don't want to catch fire)

19. Favorite time of the day?
right before dusk.

20. What was your most memorable birthday?
That definitely has to be my 16th. Or maybe it was my 18th... I can't remember.

21. Where were you born?
In a hospital. Unlike one of my friends, who I'm jealous of because he got to be born in an elevator. Between floors!

22. Favorite sport to watch?
Basketball, or possibly football, assuming there's nothing on public TV.

23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?
I think Jeremy gave the funniest answer to this question (EA Technical Support) so now I am left to think of an inferior answer. My usual answer "some guy in Croatia who doesn't own a computer" isn't striking me as funny tonight, so I'm going to say... you. YOU won't send this back.

24. Person you expect to send it back first?
The opposite of you.

25. What fabric detergent do you use?
I think I use Tide, even though it doesn't end in "x" like all good cleaners and medicines should.

27. Are you a morning person or a night person?
My mom on my sleeping habits: "We didn't give birth to an OWL."

28. What is your shoe size?
Men's 11, Women's probably something huge like 52

29. Do you have any pets?
Yes, come over and say hi. They're cute little Neolamprologus brevis "Katabe" subsp. and I like them. They're very friendly. I also have a pair of clawed frogs which are afraid of you and want to eat you.

30. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends?
I'm graduating in May. Which is new, but not exciting. It would be exciting if I hadn't had seven YEARS to think about how exciting it would be. I'm going into Church music! which is exciting but not new. So, uh, no.

31. What did you want to be when you were little?
Big. And now I'm big. Kinda depressing, huh?

32. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Um... yes, thousands of times.

33. What are you doing today?
Going to my bed, wherein I intend to sleep.
