ZLib BaleCC_ImprovePoolSkills Prioritize the pool playing Semi-rare in the Haunted Billiards Room. ZLib BaleCC_SrInHC Do you want to automate semi-rares in Hardcore/Ronin? ZLib BaleCC_useDanceCards Automatically use another Dance Card after getting Rotting Matilda. ZLib BaleOCD_Ascension This is the number last ascension when you used OCD Inventory. Do not edit this! ZLib BaleOCD_DataFile name of the file where OCD data is kept for this character. ZLib BaleOCD_EmptyCloset Empty the closet before clearing out inventory. -1 = Never. 0 = Once per ascension. 1= Always. ZLib BaleOCD_MallDangerously Send uncategorized inventory to the mall instead of keeping it in inventory. This is recommended to be FALSE. ZLib BaleOCD_MallMulti Name of a mall multi whose mall store you might use. ZLib BaleOCD_MultiMessage kMail message sent to the mall-multi along with items. ZLib BaleOCD_Pricing How to handle mall pricing: "auto" will use mall_price(). "max" will price at maximum. ZLib BaleOCD_RemoveOutfit Remove outfit before clearing out inventory. -1 = Never. 0 = Once per ascension. 1= Always. ZLib BaleOCD_Sim If true, merely simulate cleaning out inventory so that you can see what the script would do. If false, then things will actually happen to your stuff. ZLib BaleOCD_UseMallMulti Send "mall" items to a mall multi instead of using your mall store. ZLib BatMan_RE_enabled Enable/disable BatMan RE per character. There is also a GUI for this built in to your fight page -- disable in the Bat Menu, enable underneath the Run Away button. ZLib BatMan_attract A list of monsters you want to attract (using, for example, Olfaction) ZLib BatMan_banish A list of monsters you want to banish using an available banishing action. ZLib BatMan_baseSubstatValue The amount, in meat, you wish a single, non-prime substat to be worth. Note that primestats are considered as being worth double this amount. ZLib BatMan_flyereverything If true, SS will flyer all monsters when possible. ZLib BatMan_maxmonsterstracked The maximum number of a given monster BatBrain should maintain in your monster combat history (BatMan__happenings.txt) ZLib BatMan_onlycustomitems Set to true if you wish to disable all item use other than custom items. ZLib BatMan_pretentioustarget The effect you wish to receive from making a meal in the Pretentious Artist's psychoses. One of: My Breakfast with Andrea, The Champion's Breakfast, Tiffany's Breakfast, or Breakfast Clubbed. ZLib BatMan_profitforstasis The amount of estimated profit (in meat, HP, MP, etc) required for an action for SS to attempt to prolong combat using that action. ZLib BatMan_yellow A list of monsters you want to yellow ray. The following fairly common targets will not be yellow rayed despite appearing in this list if the following conditions are met: ZLib OCW_reward Your desired IsleWar reward. ZLib OQ_chains The default quest chains you want to have selected when you load the script. There is a GUI for editing this in the relay script itself. ZLib auto_semirare Valid values: always|never|timely [1-3]. If always, scripts will attempt to ensure that you always have fortune cookie counters active. If never, scripts will never eat fortune cookies. If timely, CounterChecker will never eat fortune cookies and BBB will only eat them if you are known to be within your semirare window and you are not already adventuring in a zone with a good semirare. ZLib automcd If true, participating scripts will automatically adjust your MCD based on your threshold setting for maximum safe stat gains. ZLib bbb_adjust_choiceadvs If true (default), BBB will intelligently adjust your choiceadv preferences as you adventure based on your goals and other factors. ZLib bbb_dolphin_goodies Whether or not to automatically fight those thieving dolphins for goals and profit. ZLib bbb_famitems If this setting is true and you have familiars that drop daily items, BBB will ensure that you are using a familiar with items left to drop, if possible. Of course, it will not swap familiars if you specified a familiar for is_100_run. ZLib bbb_huntghosts If true, will automatically investigate paranormal activity if you have the protonic pack equipped. ZLib bbb_turtlegear If true, then while auto-taming BBB will attempt to create one of each possible item that is createable from tamed turtles. ZLib checklist_dive_for_third If true, Checklist will send you through the Daily Dungeon for a third key. Otherwise, it will assume that two keys is enough. ZLib checklist_get_ns_items Whether or not to include NS tower items in the checklist. ZLib checklist_get_servants Whether or not to include the steps for acquiring campground servants in the checklist. ZLib checklist_info_only If true, Checklist will only list the next ten steps. If false, Checklist will actually adventure to accomplish the steps. ZLib defaultoutfit The name of the custom outfit that you generally want to use for most of your adventuring. ZLib dndinv_includestash Whether or not to include the stash as a drag-n-drop inventory (off by default due to inability to check clan karma). ZLib do_smallest_bounty This setting affects the default decision when the choice of bounties is left to the script. If true, will always select the smallest bounty (useful if you are puttying). If false, will attempt the most difficult bounty you are able to do. ZLib flyereverything Used by FTF to determine whether or not to automatically throw flyers at all applicable monsters during the Islewar. ZLib is_100_run If you specify a familiar here, this familiar is assumed to be your 100% run familiar, and participating scripts will never swap your familiar. Further, BBB will guarantee that you are using this familiar before auto-adventuring. ZLib macguffin_buyratchets Whether or not to buy tomb ratchets if possible to speed up the Pyramid. ZLib macguffin_fightbosses If false, will break to allow you fight bosses (Dr. Awkward, Lord Spookyraven). If true, will automate boss combats using mafia default handling. ZLib mm_adjust_choiceadvs Whether or not Mercenary Mood should attempt to adjust your choiceadvs as you go. Must be true for OmniQuest to function correctly. ZLib mm_miniboss_items This setting is for automatic choiceadv adjustments. It represents the number of special combat items you want to get in the defiled areas of the Cyrpt before getting stats or skipping the choiceadventures. It will never get more than one phylactery. ZLib mm_modifiers List of the modifiers you want Mercenary Mood to manage. ZLib nemesis_farm_CCS CCS to use while waiting for the Henchmen. The combat setup configured when the script was launched will be used if this is empty. ZLib nemesis_farm_familiar Familiar to use while waiting for the Henchmen. The Familiar you had with you when the script was launched will be used if this is empty. ZLib nemesis_farm_location Location in which to adventure while waiting for the Henchmen. ZLib nemesis_farm_mood Mood to use while waiting for the Henchmen. The mood configured when the script was launched will be used if this is empty. ZLib nemesis_farm_outfit Name of the outfit to use while waiting for the Henchmen. The gear you had when the script was launched will be used if this is empty. ZLib newLife_AutomaticallyFightCyrptBosses Set choice adventures to fight Cyrpt Bosses instead of aborting to the relay browser when they're encountered. ZLib newLife_FightBedstands Set choice adventures to fight bedstands in the Haunted Bedroom instead of getting safe money. ZLib newLife_SellPorkForStuff Automatically sell pork gems to get a detuned radio and sewer for accordion, seal tooth. ZLib newLife_SetupGuyMadeOfBees Set choice adventure to fight the Guy Made of Bees in the Haunted Bathroom instead of getting stats. ZLib newLife_SmashHippyStone Smash your Hippy Stone automatically so you can PvP. ZLib newLife_UseNewbieTent Use your Newbiesport Tent automatically. ZLib ocw_change_to_meat If true, before fighting the final Islewar battle OCW will convert all of your change (dimes and quarters) into meat by buying as many of the high-autosell item from each camp as you can and then autoselling them. If false, OCW will break for you to spend your change yourself. After spending all your change, run the script again to complete the quest. ZLib ocw_f_arena Which familiar to use for the arena sidequest. You can also specify familiar types, such as "items", "meat", "stats", "delevel", or "produce" (generates meat during combat). If you specify a type, OCW will use your heaviest familiar of that type, choosing the better one in case of ties. If left empty, the setting will keep using ocw_f_default. ZLib ocw_f_default Which familiar to use for the battlefield and other sidequests that do not have a specified familiar. Like ocw_f_arena, you can also specify familiar types. ZLib ocw_f_farm Same as ocw_f_arena, but for the McMillicancuddy's Farm sidequest. ZLib ocw_f_junkyard Same as ocw_f_arena, but for the junkyard sidequest. ZLib ocw_f_lighthouse Same as ocw_f_arena, but for the lighthouse sidequest. ZLib ocw_m_arena Which mood to use for the arena sidequest. If blank, will not change your mood. ZLib ocw_m_default Default mood for adventuring in the battlefield and in sidequest zones that do not have specified moods. If blank, will not change your mood. ZLib ocw_m_farm Which mood to use for the McMillicancuddy's Farm sidequest. If blank, will not change your mood. ZLib ocw_m_junkyard Which mood to use for the junkyard sidequest. If blank, will not change your mood. ZLib ocw_m_lighthouse Which mood to use for the lighthouse sidequest. If blank, will not change your mood. ZLib ocw_m_nuns Which mood to use for the nuns sidequest. If blank, will not change your mood. ZLib ocw_m_orchard Which mood to use for the orchard sidequest. If blank, will not change your mood. ZLib ocw_nunspeed Whether or not you want to complete the nuns sidequest as quickly as possible. If true, will use your best meat familiar and try to boost your meat drop. Otherwise, will use your best meat-producing familiar and will not attempt to boost your meat drop. (Hence, no ocw_f_nuns setting.) ZLib ocw_o_arena Which outfit to wear for the arena sidequest. If blank, will not change your outfit. ZLib ocw_o_farm Which outfit to wear for the McMillicancuddy's Farm sidequest. If blank, will not change your outfit. ZLib ocw_o_junkyard Which outfit to wear for the junkyard sidequest. If blank, will not change your outfit. ZLib ocw_o_lighthouse Which outfit to wear for the lighthouse sidequest. If blank, will not change your outfit. ZLib ocw_o_nuns Which outfit to wear for the nuns sidequest. If blank, will not change your outfit. ZLib ocw_o_orchard Which outfit to wear for the orchard sidequest. If blank, will not change your outfit. ZLib ocw_warplan Which warplan to use to complete the Islewar. OCW includes a variety of warplans (explained in detail in the thread), or you can create your own and use it. Important: do not add the file extension (".txt") to the end of this setting. ZLib referToProlongingCombatForEffectsAs Some people hate the word 'Stasis.' If you're one of them, change this to your preferred word or phrase. ZLib threshold How far below your safe moxie you would like to adventure. Uses: Auto-MCD-ing will be set as close to this level as possible. Combat scripts will use this adjustment to determine if you are "safe". Also, some scripts will use this number to determine whether or not you can safely adventure in a given zone. ZLib unknown_ml Assumed ML for unknown monsters. Rather than automatically assuming unknown monsters are either 0 or infinity, you can specify a number for the actual assumption. ZLib verbosity How verbose you want scripts to be. A verbosity of 0 means that there will be NO script output and is not recommended. Default is 3 and will include most fairly important messages. For debugging or for more of information about what scripts are doing you may want to set this to a higher number. user choiceAdventure1 The Choice! user choiceAdventure10 Wheel in the Clouds in the Sky, Keep On Turning (B) user choiceAdventure100 Louvre It or Leave It (The Death of Socrates) user choiceAdventure1000 Everything in Moderation user choiceAdventure1001 Hot and Cold Dripping Rats user choiceAdventure1002 Temple of the Legend in the Hidden City user choiceAdventure1003 Test Your Might And Also Test Other Things user choiceAdventure1004 This Maze is... Mazelike... user choiceAdventure1005 'Allo user choiceAdventure1006 One Small Step For Adventurer user choiceAdventure1007 Twisty Little Passages, All Hedge user choiceAdventure1008 Pooling Your Resources user choiceAdventure1009 Good Ol' 44% Duck user choiceAdventure101 Louvre It or Leave It (Nighthawks) user choiceAdventure1010 Another Day, Another Fork user choiceAdventure1011 Of Mouseholes and Manholes user choiceAdventure1012 The Last Temptation user choiceAdventure1013 Mazel Tov! user choiceAdventure1014 The Mirror in the Tower has the View that is True user choiceAdventure1016 Frank Gets Earnest user choiceAdventure1017 Bear Verb Orgy user choiceAdventure1018 Bee Persistent user choiceAdventure1019 Bee Rewarded user choiceAdventure102 Louvre It or Leave It (Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte) user choiceAdventure1020 Closing Ceremony user choiceAdventure1021 Meet Frank user choiceAdventure1022 Meet Frank user choiceAdventure1023 Like a Bat Into Hell user choiceAdventure1024 Like a Bat out of Hell user choiceAdventure1025 Home on the Free Range user choiceAdventure1027 The End of the Tale of Spelunking user choiceAdventure1028 A Shop user choiceAdventure1029 An Old Clay Pot user choiceAdventure103 Louvre It or Leave It (The Last Supper) user choiceAdventure1030 It's a Trap! A Dart Trap. user choiceAdventure1031 A Tombstone user choiceAdventure1032 It's a Trap! A Tiki Trap. user choiceAdventure1033 A Big Block of Ice user choiceAdventure1034 A Landmine user choiceAdventure1035 A Crate user choiceAdventure1036 Idolatry user choiceAdventure1037 It's a Trap! A Smashy Trap. user choiceAdventure1038 A Wicked Web user choiceAdventure1039 A Golden Chest user choiceAdventure104 Louvre It or Leave It (The Persistence of Memory) user choiceAdventure1040 It's Lump. It's Lump. user choiceAdventure1041 Spelunkrifice user choiceAdventure1042 Pick a Perk! user choiceAdventure1043 The Gates of Hell user choiceAdventure1045 Hostile Work Environment user choiceAdventure1046 Actually Ed the Undying user choiceAdventure1047 Twitch Event #8 Time Period user choiceAdventure1049 Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here user choiceAdventure105 Having a Medicine Ball user choiceAdventure1050 The Book of the Undying user choiceAdventure1052 Underworld Body Shop user choiceAdventure1053 The Servants' Quarters user choiceAdventure1054 Returning the MacGuffin user choiceAdventure1055 Returning the MacGuffin (class selection) user choiceAdventure1056 Now It's Dark user choiceAdventure1057 A Stone Shrine user choiceAdventure1058 Helping Make Ends Meat user choiceAdventure106 Strung-Up Quartet user choiceAdventure1060 Temporarily Out of Skeletons user choiceAdventure1061 Heart of Madness user choiceAdventure1062 Lots of Options user choiceAdventure1063 Adjust your 'Edpiece user choiceAdventure1064 Doc G Quest Choice user choiceAdventure1065 Lending a Hand (and a Foot) user choiceAdventure1066 Employee Assignment Kiosk user choiceAdventure1067 Maint Misbehavin' user choiceAdventure1068 Barf Mountain Breakdown user choiceAdventure1069 The Pirate Bay user choiceAdventure107 Bad Medicine is What You Need user choiceAdventure1070 In Your Cups (control room) user choiceAdventure1071 Gator Gamer user choiceAdventure1072 This Ride Is Like... A Rollercoaster Baby Baby user choiceAdventure1074 Mmmmmmayonnaise user choiceAdventure1076 Mayo Minder (adventure) user choiceAdventure1077 One Crazy Random Summer user choiceAdventure1078 Bagelmat-5000 user choiceAdventure108 Aww, Craps user choiceAdventure1081 Assault and Baguettery user choiceAdventure1082 The "Rescue" user choiceAdventure1083 Cogito Ergot Sum user choiceAdventure1084 The Popular Machine user choiceAdventure1085 Deck of Every Card user choiceAdventure1086 Pick a Card user choiceAdventure1087 The Dark and Dank and Sinister Cave Entrance user choiceAdventure1088 Rubble, Rubble, Toil and Trouble user choiceAdventure1089 Community Service user choiceAdventure109 Dumpster Diving user choiceAdventure1090 The Towering Inferno Discotheque user choiceAdventure1091 The Floor Is Yours user choiceAdventure1092 Dyer Maker user choiceAdventure1093 The WLF Bunker user choiceAdventure1094 Back Room SMOOCHing user choiceAdventure1095 Who You Gonna Caldera? user choiceAdventure11 Wheel in the Clouds in the Sky, Keep On Turning (D) user choiceAdventure110 The Entertainer user choiceAdventure1100 Pray to the Barrel God user choiceAdventure1101 It's a Barrel Smashing Party! user choiceAdventure1102 The Biggest Barrel user choiceAdventure1103 Doing the Maths user choiceAdventure1104 Tree Tea user choiceAdventure1105 Specifici Tea user choiceAdventure1106 Wooof! Wooooooof! user choiceAdventure1107 Playing Fetch* user choiceAdventure1108 Your Dog Found Something Again user choiceAdventure1109 I shall call you... user choiceAdventure111 Malice in Chains user choiceAdventure1110 Spoopy user choiceAdventure1111 'Hello? user choiceAdventure1112 Twitch Event #9 Time Period user choiceAdventure1113 Sled Dog Race Track user choiceAdventure1114 Walford Rusley, Bucket Collector user choiceAdventure1115 VYKEA! user choiceAdventure1116 All They Got Inside is Vacancy (and Ice) user choiceAdventure1117 Shining Mauve Backwards In Time user choiceAdventure112 Please, Hammer user choiceAdventure1120 Some Assembly Required user choiceAdventure1121 Some Assembly Required (Runes) user choiceAdventure1122 Some Assembly Required (Dowels) user choiceAdventure1123 Some Assembly Required (Finishing Touch) user choiceAdventure1124 Visiting the Dogs user choiceAdventure1125 A Vocalization of Two user choiceAdventure1126 The Crimbo Elf Commune user choiceAdventure1128 Reindeer Commune user choiceAdventure1129 The Crimbulmination user choiceAdventure113 Knob Goblin BBQ user choiceAdventure1130 The Crimbulmination user choiceAdventure1131 The Crimbulmination user choiceAdventure1132 The Crimbulmination user choiceAdventure1133 Batfellow Begins user choiceAdventure1134 Batfellow Ends user choiceAdventure1135 The Bat-Sedan user choiceAdventure1136 Bat-Research and Bat-Development user choiceAdventure1137 Bat-Suit Upgrades user choiceAdventure1138 Bat-Sedan Upgrades user choiceAdventure1139 Bat-Cavern Upgrades user choiceAdventure114 The Baker's Dilemma user choiceAdventure1140 Casing the Conservatory user choiceAdventure1141 Researching the Reservoir user choiceAdventure1142 Combing the Cemetery user choiceAdventure1143 Searching the Sewers user choiceAdventure1144 Assessing the Asylum user choiceAdventure1145 Looking Over the Library user choiceAdventure1146 Considering the Clock Factory user choiceAdventure1147 Frisking the Foundry user choiceAdventure1148 Taking Stock of the Trivia Company user choiceAdventure1149 JokesterCo HQ user choiceAdventure115 Oh No, Hobo user choiceAdventure1150 Knock Knock, Kudzu's There user choiceAdventure1151 Half-man, Half-squid, Half-burr-- Wait. user choiceAdventure1152 A Graves Situation user choiceAdventure1153 Plumb Rude user choiceAdventure1154 MEANWHILE... user choiceAdventure1155 The Mad Librarian user choiceAdventure1156 He's Totally Cuckoo user choiceAdventure1157 Out of the Frying Pan user choiceAdventure1158 This is Not a Test user choiceAdventure1159 The Loneliest Number user choiceAdventure116 The Singing Tree (Rustling) user choiceAdventure1160 Last Tango in Gotpork user choiceAdventure1161 And You're Out user choiceAdventure1162 A Lousy Four-Flusher user choiceAdventure1163 Self-Incrimination user choiceAdventure1164 Half a Dozen of the Other user choiceAdventure1165 Knocking on Heaven's Door user choiceAdventure1166 Black-Balled user choiceAdventure1167 A Stitch in Time user choiceAdventure1168 Batfellow Ends user choiceAdventure1169 The Smokester, The Midnight Tokester user choiceAdventure117 Trespasser user choiceAdventure1170 The Punchline user choiceAdventure1171 LT&T Office user choiceAdventure1172 The Investigation Begins user choiceAdventure1173 The Investigation Continues user choiceAdventure1174 The Investigation Continues (2) user choiceAdventure1175 The Investigation Thrillingly Concludes! user choiceAdventure1176 Go West, Young Adventurer! user choiceAdventure1177 Book of the West: Cow Punching user choiceAdventure1178 Book of the West: Beanslinging user choiceAdventure1179 Book of the West: Snake Oiling user choiceAdventure118 When Rocks Attack user choiceAdventure1180 Your Witchess Set user choiceAdventure1182 Play against the Witchess Pieces user choiceAdventure1183 Witchess Puzzles user choiceAdventure1184 Play Witchess user choiceAdventure1185 One Pill, Two Pill user choiceAdventure1188 The Call is Coming from Outside the Simulation user choiceAdventure1189 The Oracle user choiceAdventure119 Check It Out Now user choiceAdventure1191 Source Terminal user choiceAdventure1192 War Apparently Changed user choiceAdventure1195 Spinning Your Time-Spinner user choiceAdventure1196 Travel to a Recent Fight user choiceAdventure1197 Travel back to a Delicious Meal user choiceAdventure1198 Play a Time Prank user choiceAdventure1199 The Far Future user choiceAdventure12 Wheel in the Clouds in the Sky, Keep On Turning (C) user choiceAdventure120 Ennui is Wasted on the Young user choiceAdventure1200 Dr. Gordon Stuart, a Scientist user choiceAdventure1202 Noon in the Civic Center user choiceAdventure1203 Midnight in the Civic Center user choiceAdventure1204 Noon at the Train Station user choiceAdventure1205 Midnight at the Train Station user choiceAdventure1206 Noon in the Industrial Zone user choiceAdventure1207 Midnight in the Industrial Zone user choiceAdventure1208 Upscale Noon user choiceAdventure1209 Upscale Midnight user choiceAdventure121 Next Sunday, A.D. user choiceAdventure1210 Civic Planning Office user choiceAdventure1211 The Currency Exchange user choiceAdventure1212 Seedy Seedy Seedy user choiceAdventure1213 The Factory Factor user choiceAdventure1214 The Gingerbread Gallery user choiceAdventure1215 Setting the Clock user choiceAdventure1216 Krampus Defeated user choiceAdventure1217 Wax On user choiceAdventure1219 Approach the Jellyfish user choiceAdventure1220 Into the Abyss user choiceAdventure1221 Space Directions user choiceAdventure1222 The Tunnel of L.O.V.E. user choiceAdventure1223 L.O.V. Entrance user choiceAdventure1224 L.O.V. Equipment Room user choiceAdventure1225 L.O.V. Engine Room user choiceAdventure1226 L.O.V. Emergency Room user choiceAdventure1227 L.O.V. Elbow Room user choiceAdventure1228 L.O.V. Emporium user choiceAdventure1229 L.O.V. Exit user choiceAdventure123 At Least It's Not Full Of Trash user choiceAdventure1230 Welcome to the Kingdom, Gelatinous Noob user choiceAdventure1231 Gummi-Memories, In the Corner of Your Mind user choiceAdventure1232 Finally Human user choiceAdventure1233 Equipment Requisition user choiceAdventure1234 Spacegate Vaccination Machine user choiceAdventure1235 Spacegate Terminal user choiceAdventure1236 Space Cave user choiceAdventure1237 A Simple Plant user choiceAdventure1238 A Complicated Plant user choiceAdventure1239 What a Plant! user choiceAdventure1240 ?The Animals, The Animals user choiceAdventure1241 Buffalo-Like Animal, Won't You Come Out Tonight user choiceAdventure1242 House-Sized Animal user choiceAdventure1243 Interstellar Trade user choiceAdventure1244 Here There Be No Spants user choiceAdventure1245 Recovering the Satellite user choiceAdventure1246 Land Ho user choiceAdventure1247 Half The Ship it Used to Be user choiceAdventure1248 Paradise Under a Strange Sun user choiceAdventure1249 That's No Moonlith, it's a Monolith! user choiceAdventure125 No Visible Means of Support user choiceAdventure1250 I'm Afraid It's Terminal user choiceAdventure1251 Curses, a Hex user choiceAdventure1252 Time Enough at Last user choiceAdventure1253 Mother May I user choiceAdventure1254 Please Baby Baby Please user choiceAdventure1255 ?Cool Space Rocks user choiceAdventure1256 Wide Open Spaces user choiceAdventure1257 License to Adventure user choiceAdventure1258 Daily Briefing user choiceAdventure1259 LI-11 HQ user choiceAdventure126 Sun at Noon, Tan Us user choiceAdventure1260 A Strange Panel? user choiceAdventure1261 Which Door? user choiceAdventure1262 What Setting? user choiceAdventure1263 Lyle, Traveling Infrastructure Specialist user choiceAdventure1264 The Hostler user choiceAdventure1267 Rubbed it the Right Way user choiceAdventure1268 Every Day I'm Chiselin' user choiceAdventure127 No sir, away! A papaya war is on! user choiceAdventure129 Do Geese See God? user choiceAdventure130 Rod Nevada, Vendor user choiceAdventure131 Dr. Awkward user choiceAdventure132 Let's Make a Deal! user choiceAdventure134 Wheel in the Pyramid, Keep on Turning user choiceAdventure135 Wheel in the Pyramid, Keep on Turning user choiceAdventure136 Peace Wants Love user choiceAdventure137 An Inconvenient Truth user choiceAdventure138 Purple Hazers user choiceAdventure139 Bait and Switch user choiceAdventure14 A Bard Day's Night user choiceAdventure140 The Thin Tie-Dyed Line user choiceAdventure141 Blockin' Out the Scenery user choiceAdventure142 Blockin' Out the Scenery user choiceAdventure143 Catching Some Zetas user choiceAdventure144 One Less Room Than In That Movie user choiceAdventure145 Fratacombs user choiceAdventure146 Fratacombs user choiceAdventure147 Cornered! user choiceAdventure148 Cornered Again! user choiceAdventure149 How Many Corners Does this Stupid Barn Have!? user choiceAdventure15 Yeti Nother Hippy user choiceAdventure150 Another Adventure About BorderTown user choiceAdventure151 Adventurer, $1.99 user choiceAdventure152 Lurking at the Threshold user choiceAdventure153 Turn Your Head and Coffin user choiceAdventure154 Doublewide user choiceAdventure155 Skull, Skull, Skull user choiceAdventure156 Pileup user choiceAdventure157 Urning Your Keep user choiceAdventure158 Lich in the Niche user choiceAdventure159 Go Slow Past the Drawers user choiceAdventure16 Saint Beernard user choiceAdventure160 Lunchtime user choiceAdventure161 Bureaucracy of the Damned user choiceAdventure162 Between a Rock and Some Other Rocks user choiceAdventure163 Melvil Dewey Would Be Ashamed user choiceAdventure164 Down by the Riverside user choiceAdventure165 Beyond Any Measure user choiceAdventure166 Death is a Boat user choiceAdventure167 It's a Fixer-Upper user choiceAdventure168 Midst the Pallor of the Parlor user choiceAdventure169 A Few Chintz Curtains, Some Throw Pillows... user choiceAdventure17 Generic Teen Comedy Snowboarding Adventure user choiceAdventure170 La Vie Boheme user choiceAdventure171 Backstage at the Rogue Windmill user choiceAdventure172 Up in the Hippo Room user choiceAdventure173 The Last Stand, Man user choiceAdventure174 The Last Stand, Bra user choiceAdventure177 The Blackberry Cobbler user choiceAdventure178 Hammering the Armory user choiceAdventure18 A Flat Miner user choiceAdventure180 A Pre-War Dresser Drawer, Pa! user choiceAdventure181 Chieftain of the Flies user choiceAdventure182 Random Lack of an Encounter user choiceAdventure184 That Explains All The Eyepatches user choiceAdventure185 Yes, You're a Rock Starrr user choiceAdventure186 A Test of Testarrrsterone user choiceAdventure187 Arrr You Man Enough? user choiceAdventure188 The Infiltrationist user choiceAdventure189 O Cap'm, My Cap'm user choiceAdventure19 100% Legal user choiceAdventure191 Chatterboxing user choiceAdventure193 Modular, Dude user choiceAdventure194 Modular, Dude user choiceAdventure197 Somewhat Higher and Mostly Dry user choiceAdventure198 Disgustin' Junction user choiceAdventure199 The Former or the Ladder user choiceAdventure2 Denim Axes Examined user choiceAdventure20 See You Next Fall user choiceAdventure200 Enter The Hoboverlord user choiceAdventure201 Home, Home in the Range user choiceAdventure202 Bumpity Bump Bump user choiceAdventure203 Deep Enough to Dive user choiceAdventure204 Welcome To You! user choiceAdventure205 Van, Damn user choiceAdventure206 Getting Tired user choiceAdventure207 Hot Dog! I Mean... Door! user choiceAdventure208 Ah, So That's Where They've All Gone user choiceAdventure209 Timbarrrr! user choiceAdventure21 Under the Knife user choiceAdventure210 Stumped user choiceAdventure211 Despite All Your Rage user choiceAdventure212 Despite All Your Rage user choiceAdventure213 Piping Hot user choiceAdventure214 You vs. The Volcano user choiceAdventure215 Piping Cold user choiceAdventure216 The Compostal Service user choiceAdventure217 There Goes Fritz! user choiceAdventure218 I Refuse! user choiceAdventure219 The Furtivity of My City user choiceAdventure22 The Arrrbitrator user choiceAdventure220 Returning to the Tomb user choiceAdventure221 A Chiller Night user choiceAdventure222 A Chiller Night (2) user choiceAdventure223 Getting Clubbed user choiceAdventure224 Exclusive! user choiceAdventure225 Attention -- A Tent! user choiceAdventure226 Here You Are, Up On Stage user choiceAdventure227 Working the Crowd user choiceAdventure23 Barrie Me at Sea user choiceAdventure230 Mind Yer Binder user choiceAdventure231 The Hobo Marketplace user choiceAdventure232 The Hobo Marketplace user choiceAdventure233 Food Went A-Courtin' user choiceAdventure234 Food Went A-Courtin' user choiceAdventure235 Food, Glorious Food user choiceAdventure236 Food, Glorious Food user choiceAdventure237 Big Merv's Protein Shakes user choiceAdventure238 Suddenly Salad! user choiceAdventure239 Sizzling Weasel On a Stick user choiceAdventure24 Amatearrr Night user choiceAdventure240 Booze, Glorious Booze user choiceAdventure241 Booze, Glorious Booze user choiceAdventure242 Arthur Finn's World-Record Homebrew Stout user choiceAdventure243 Mad Jack's Corn Squeezery user choiceAdventure244 Bathtub Jimmy's Gin Mill user choiceAdventure245 Math Is Hard user choiceAdventure246 Math Is Hard user choiceAdventure247 The Guy Who Carves Driftwood Animals user choiceAdventure248 Garment District user choiceAdventure249 Garment District user choiceAdventure25 Ouch! You bump into a door! user choiceAdventure250 A Hattery user choiceAdventure251 A Pantry user choiceAdventure252 Hobo Blanket Bingo user choiceAdventure253 Housewares user choiceAdventure254 Housewares user choiceAdventure255 Black-and-Blue-and-Decker user choiceAdventure256 Entertainment user choiceAdventure257 Entertainment user choiceAdventure258 Instru-mental user choiceAdventure259 We'll Make Great... user choiceAdventure26 A Three-Tined Fork user choiceAdventure260 We'll Make Great... user choiceAdventure261 Everybody's Got Something To Hide user choiceAdventure262 Salud user choiceAdventure263 Salud user choiceAdventure264 Tanning Salon user choiceAdventure265 Another Part of the Market user choiceAdventure266 Another Part of the Market user choiceAdventure267 Let's All Go To The Movies user choiceAdventure268 It's Fun To Stay There user choiceAdventure269 Body Modifications user choiceAdventure27 Footprints user choiceAdventure270 Body Modifications user choiceAdventure271 Tattoo Shop user choiceAdventure272 Marketplace Entrance user choiceAdventure273 The Frigid Air user choiceAdventure274 Tattoo Redux user choiceAdventure275 Triangle, Man user choiceAdventure276 The Gong Has Been Bung user choiceAdventure277 Welcome Back! user choiceAdventure278 Enter the Roach user choiceAdventure279 It's Nukyuhlur - the 'S' is Silent. user choiceAdventure28 A Pair of Craters user choiceAdventure280 Eek! Eek! user choiceAdventure281 A Meta-Metamorphosis user choiceAdventure282 You've Got Wings, But No Wingman user choiceAdventure283 Time Enough at Last! user choiceAdventure284 Scavenger Is Your Middle Name user choiceAdventure285 Bugging Out user choiceAdventure286 A Sweeping Generalization user choiceAdventure287 In the Frigid Aire user choiceAdventure288 Our House user choiceAdventure289 Workin' For The Man user choiceAdventure29 The Road Less Visible user choiceAdventure290 The World's Not Fair user choiceAdventure291 A Tight Squeeze user choiceAdventure292 Cold Comfort user choiceAdventure293 Flowers for You user choiceAdventure294 Maybe It's a Sexy Snake! user choiceAdventure295 Juicy! user choiceAdventure296 Pop! user choiceAdventure297 Gravy Fairy Ring user choiceAdventure298 In the Shade user choiceAdventure299 Down at the Hatch user choiceAdventure3 The Oracle Will See You Now user choiceAdventure300 Merry Crimbo! user choiceAdventure301 And to All a Good Night user choiceAdventure302 You've Hit Bottom user choiceAdventure303 You've Hit Bottom user choiceAdventure304 A Vent Horizon user choiceAdventure305 There is Sauce at the Bottom of the Ocean user choiceAdventure306 Not a Micro Fish user choiceAdventure307 Ode to the Sea user choiceAdventure308 Boxing the Juke user choiceAdventure309 Barback user choiceAdventure310 The Economist of Scales user choiceAdventure311 Heavily Invested in Pun Futures user choiceAdventure312 Into the Outpost user choiceAdventure313 Sneaky Intent user choiceAdventure314 Aggressive Intent user choiceAdventure315 Mysterious Intent user choiceAdventure316 No Man, No Hole user choiceAdventure318 C'mere, Little Fella user choiceAdventure319 Turtles of the Universe user choiceAdventure320 A Rolling Turtle Gathers No Moss user choiceAdventure321 Boxed In user choiceAdventure322 Capital! user choiceAdventure323 Showdown user choiceAdventure327 Puttin' it on Wax user choiceAdventure328 Never Break the Chain user choiceAdventure329 Don't Be Alarmed, Now user choiceAdventure330 A Shark's Chum user choiceAdventure331 Like That Time in Tortuga user choiceAdventure332 More eXtreme Than Usual user choiceAdventure333 Cleansing your Palette user choiceAdventure334 O Turtle Were Art Thou user choiceAdventure335 Blue Monday user choiceAdventure336 Jewel in the Rough user choiceAdventure337 Engulfed! user choiceAdventure338 Duel Nature user choiceAdventure339 Kick the Can user choiceAdventure340 Turtle in peril user choiceAdventure341 Nantucket Snapper user choiceAdventure342 The Horror... (Orcish Frat House) user choiceAdventure343 Turtles All The Way Around user choiceAdventure344 Silent Strolling user choiceAdventure345 Training Day user choiceAdventure346 Soup For You user choiceAdventure347 Yes, Soup For You... user choiceAdventure348 Souped Up user choiceAdventure349 The Primordial Directive user choiceAdventure350 Soupercharged user choiceAdventure351 Beginner's Luck user choiceAdventure352 Savior Faire user choiceAdventure353 Bad Reception Down Here user choiceAdventure354 You Can Never Be Too Rich or Too in the Future user choiceAdventure355 I'm on the Hunt, I'm After You user choiceAdventure356 A Diseased Procurer user choiceAdventure357 Painful, Circuitous Logic user choiceAdventure358 Brings All the Boys to the Blue Yard user choiceAdventure359 Cavern Entrance user choiceAdventure361 Give it a Shot user choiceAdventure362 A Bridge Too Far user choiceAdventure363 Does This Bug You? Does This Bug You? user choiceAdventure364 451 Degrees! Burning Down the House! user choiceAdventure365 None Shall Pass user choiceAdventure366 Entrance to the Forgotten City user choiceAdventure367 Ancient Temple (unlocked) user choiceAdventure368 City Center user choiceAdventure369 North Side of the City user choiceAdventure370 East Side of the City user choiceAdventure371 West Side of the City user choiceAdventure372 An Ancient Well user choiceAdventure373 Northern Gate user choiceAdventure374 An Ancient Tower user choiceAdventure375 Northern Abandoned Building user choiceAdventure376 Ancient Temple user choiceAdventure377 Southern Abandoned Building user choiceAdventure378 Storehouse user choiceAdventure379 Northern Building (Basement) user choiceAdventure380 Southern Building (Upstairs) user choiceAdventure381 Southern Building (Basement) user choiceAdventure382 Catacombs Entrance user choiceAdventure383 Catacomb Junction user choiceAdventure384 Catacombs Dead-End user choiceAdventure385 Shore of an Underground Lake user choiceAdventure386 Catacombs Machinery user choiceAdventure387 Time Isn't Holding Up; Time Is a Doughnut user choiceAdventure388 Extra Savior Faire user choiceAdventure389 The Unbearable Supremeness of Being user choiceAdventure390 A Winning Pass user choiceAdventure391 OMG KAWAIII user choiceAdventure392 The Elements of Surprise . . . user choiceAdventure393 The Collector user choiceAdventure394 Rumble On user choiceAdventure396 Scaly Bully user choiceAdventure397 Bored of Education user choiceAdventure398 A Mer-kin Graffiti user choiceAdventure399 The Case of the Closet user choiceAdventure4 Finger-Lickin'... Death. user choiceAdventure40 The Effervescent Fray user choiceAdventure400 No Rest for the Room user choiceAdventure401 Raising Cane user choiceAdventure402 Don't Hold a Grudge user choiceAdventure403 Picking Sides user choiceAdventure404 The Island Barracks user choiceAdventure41 Smells Like Team Spirit user choiceAdventure410 A Short Hallway user choiceAdventure411 Hallway Left user choiceAdventure412 Hallway Right user choiceAdventure413 Kitchen user choiceAdventure414 Dining room user choiceAdventure415 Storeroom user choiceAdventure416 Bedroom user choiceAdventure417 Library user choiceAdventure418 Parlour user choiceAdventure419 A Wrenching Encounter user choiceAdventure42 What is it Good For? user choiceAdventure424 Get Your Bolt On, Michael user choiceAdventure425 Taking a Proper Gander user choiceAdventure426 It's Electric, Boogie-oogie-oogie user choiceAdventure427 A Voice Crying in the Crimbo Factory user choiceAdventure428 Disguise the Limit user choiceAdventure429 Diagnosis: Hypnosis user choiceAdventure430 Secret Agent Penguin user choiceAdventure431 Zapatos Con Crete user choiceAdventure432 Don We Now Our Bright Apparel user choiceAdventure433 Everything is Illuminated user choiceAdventure434 Season's Beatings user choiceAdventure436 Flying In Circles user choiceAdventure438 From Little Acorns... user choiceAdventure439 Puttin' on the Wax user choiceAdventure441 The Mad Tea Party user choiceAdventure442 A Moment of Reflection user choiceAdventure443 The Great Big Chessboard user choiceAdventure444 The Field of Strawberries (Seal Clubber) user choiceAdventure445 The Field of Strawberries (Pastamancer) user choiceAdventure446 A Caucus Racetrack (Accordion Thief) user choiceAdventure447 A Caucus Racetrack (Sauceror) user choiceAdventure448 The Croquet Grounds (Turtle Tamer) user choiceAdventure449 The Croquet Grounds (Disco Bandit) user choiceAdventure45 Maps and Legends user choiceAdventure450 The Duchess' Cottage user choiceAdventure451 Typographical Clutter user choiceAdventure452 Leave a Message and I'll Call You Back user choiceAdventure453 Getting a Leg Up user choiceAdventure454 Just Like the Ocean Under the Moon user choiceAdventure455 Double Trouble in the Stubble user choiceAdventure456 Made it, Ma! Top of the World! user choiceAdventure457 Oh, No! Five-Oh! user choiceAdventure458 ... Grow Unspeakable Horrors user choiceAdventure459 Space Trip user choiceAdventure46 An Interesting Choice user choiceAdventure461 Space Trip user choiceAdventure462 Space Trip user choiceAdventure463 Space Trip user choiceAdventure464 Space Trip user choiceAdventure465 Space Trip user choiceAdventure466 Space Trip user choiceAdventure468 Space Trip user choiceAdventure469 Space Trip user choiceAdventure47 Have a Heart user choiceAdventure470 Space Trip user choiceAdventure471 DemonStar user choiceAdventure472 Space Trip user choiceAdventure473 Space Trip user choiceAdventure474 Space Trip user choiceAdventure475 Space Trip user choiceAdventure476 Space Trip user choiceAdventure477 Space Trip user choiceAdventure478 Space Trip user choiceAdventure479 Space Trip user choiceAdventure48 Violet Fog user choiceAdventure480 Space Trip user choiceAdventure481 Space Trip user choiceAdventure482 Space Trip user choiceAdventure483 Space Trip user choiceAdventure484 Space Trip user choiceAdventure485 The Fighters of Fighting user choiceAdventure486 Dungeon Fist! user choiceAdventure487 Meteoid user choiceAdventure489 Meteoid user choiceAdventure49 Violet Fog (Man on Bicycle) user choiceAdventure490 Meteoid user choiceAdventure491 Meteoid user choiceAdventure492 Crate Expectations user choiceAdventure497 SHAFT! user choiceAdventure5 Heart of Very, Very Dark Darkness user choiceAdventure50 Violet Fog (Pleasant-Faced Man) user choiceAdventure500 Arboreal Respite user choiceAdventure503 The Road Less Traveled user choiceAdventure504 Tree's Last Stand user choiceAdventure505 Consciousness of a Stream user choiceAdventure506 Through Thicket and Thinnet user choiceAdventure507 O Lith, Mon user choiceAdventure509 Of Course! user choiceAdventure51 Violet Fog (Man on Cornflake) user choiceAdventure510 Those Who Came Before You user choiceAdventure511 If it's Tiny, is it Still a Mansion? user choiceAdventure512 Hot and Cold Running Rats user choiceAdventure513 Staring Down the Barrel user choiceAdventure514 1984 Had Nothing on This Cellar user choiceAdventure515 A Rat's Home... user choiceAdventure516 Mr. Alarm, I Presarm user choiceAdventure518 Clear and Present Danger user choiceAdventure519 What a Tosser user choiceAdventure52 Violet Fog (Giant Chessboard) user choiceAdventure520 A Show-ho-ho-down user choiceAdventure521 A Wicked Buzz user choiceAdventure522 Welcome to the Footlocker user choiceAdventure523 Death Rattlin' user choiceAdventure524 The Adventures of Lars the Cyberian user choiceAdventure525 Fiddling with a Puzzle user choiceAdventure526 The Haert of Darkness user choiceAdventure528 It Was Then That a Hideous Monster Carried You user choiceAdventure529 A Swarm of Yeti-Mounted Skeletons user choiceAdventure53 Violet Fog (Improbable Mustache) user choiceAdventure530 It Was Then That... Aaaaaaaah! user choiceAdventure531 The Bonewall is In user choiceAdventure532 You'll Sink His Battleship user choiceAdventure533 Train, Train, Choo-Choo Train user choiceAdventure534 That's No Bone Moon... user choiceAdventure535 Deep Inside Ronald, Baby user choiceAdventure536 Deep Inside Grimace, Bow Chick-a Bow Bow user choiceAdventure537 Big-Time Generator user choiceAdventure539 An E.M.U. for Y.O.U. user choiceAdventure54 Violet Fog (Fog of Birds) user choiceAdventure540 Now's Your Pants! I Mean... Your Chance! user choiceAdventure543 Up In Their Grill user choiceAdventure544 A Sandwich Appears! user choiceAdventure545 Interview With You user choiceAdventure547 Behind Closed Doors user choiceAdventure549 Dark in the Attic user choiceAdventure55 Violet Fog (Intense-Looking Man) user choiceAdventure550 The Unliving Room user choiceAdventure551 Debasement user choiceAdventure552 Prop Deportment user choiceAdventure553 Relocked and Reloaded user choiceAdventure554 Behind the Spooky Curtain user choiceAdventure555 Gingerbread Homestead user choiceAdventure558 Tool Time user choiceAdventure559 Fudge Mountain Breakdown user choiceAdventure56 Violet Fog (Boat on River) user choiceAdventure560 Foreshadowing Demon! user choiceAdventure561 You Must Choose Your Destruction! user choiceAdventure562 You're the Fudge Wizard Now, Dog user choiceAdventure563 A Test of Your Mettle user choiceAdventure564 A Maelstrom of Trouble user choiceAdventure565 To Get Groped or Get Mugged? user choiceAdventure566 A Choice to be Made user choiceAdventure567 You May Be on Thin Ice user choiceAdventure568 Some Sounds Most Unnerving user choiceAdventure569 One More Demon to Slay user choiceAdventure57 Violet Fog (Man in Sunglasses) user choiceAdventure570 GameInformPowerDailyPro Walkthru user choiceAdventure571 Your Minstrel Vamps user choiceAdventure572 Your Minstrel Clamps user choiceAdventure573 Your Minstrel Stamps user choiceAdventure574 The Minstrel Cycle Begins user choiceAdventure575 Duffel on the Double user choiceAdventure576 Your Minstrel Camps user choiceAdventure577 Your Minstrel Scamp user choiceAdventure578 End of the Boris Road user choiceAdventure579 Such Great Heights user choiceAdventure58 Violet Fog (Huge Caterpillar) user choiceAdventure580 The Hidden Heart of the Hidden Temple user choiceAdventure581 Such Great Depths user choiceAdventure582 Fitting In user choiceAdventure583 Confusing Buttons user choiceAdventure584 Unconfusing Buttons user choiceAdventure585 Screwing Around! user choiceAdventure587 Room, Interrupted user choiceAdventure588 Machines! user choiceAdventure589 Autopsy Auturvy user choiceAdventure59 Violet Fog (Man in Bowler) user choiceAdventure590 Not Alone In The Dark user choiceAdventure591 The Beginning of the Beginning of the End user choiceAdventure592 The Middle of the Beginning of the End user choiceAdventure593 The End of the Beginning of the End user choiceAdventure594 A Lost Room user choiceAdventure596 Dawn of the D'oh user choiceAdventure598 Recruitment Jive user choiceAdventure599 A Zombie Master's Bait user choiceAdventure6 Darker Than Dark user choiceAdventure60 Violet Fog (Dance Number) user choiceAdventure600 Summon Minion user choiceAdventure601 Summon Horde user choiceAdventure602 Behind the Gash user choiceAdventure603 Skeletons and The Closet user choiceAdventure604 Welcome to the Great Overlook Lodge user choiceAdventure606 Lost in the Great Overlook Lodge user choiceAdventure607 Room 237 user choiceAdventure608 Go Check It Out! user choiceAdventure609 There's Always Music In the Air user choiceAdventure61 Violet Fog (Huge Mountain) user choiceAdventure610 To Catch a Killer user choiceAdventure611 The Horror... (A-Boo Peak) user choiceAdventure612 Behind the world there is a door... user choiceAdventure613 Behind the door there is a fog user choiceAdventure614 Near the fog there is an... anvil? user choiceAdventure615 He Is the Arm, and He Sounds Like This user choiceAdventure617 Now It's Dark user choiceAdventure618 Cabin Fever user choiceAdventure619 To Meet a Gourd user choiceAdventure62 The Big Scary Place (Headgear) user choiceAdventure620 A Blow Is Struck! user choiceAdventure621 Hold the Line! user choiceAdventure622 The Moment of Truth user choiceAdventure623 Return To the Fray! user choiceAdventure624 Returning to Action user choiceAdventure625 The Table user choiceAdventure626 Super Crimboman Crimbo Type is Go! user choiceAdventure627 Add an E-Mail Address user choiceAdventure63 The Big Scary Place (Weapon) user choiceAdventure634 Goodbye Fnord user choiceAdventure635 First Mate's Log user choiceAdventure637 First Mate's Log user choiceAdventure638 First Mate's Log user choiceAdventure639 First Mate's Log user choiceAdventure64 The Big Scary Place (Garment) user choiceAdventure640 Tailor the Snow Suit user choiceAdventure641 Stupid Pipes. user choiceAdventure642 You're Freaking Kidding Me user choiceAdventure643 Great. A Stupid Door. What Next? user choiceAdventure644 Snakes. user choiceAdventure645 So... Many... Skulls... user choiceAdventure646 Oh No... A Door... user choiceAdventure647 A Stupid Dummy. Also, a Straw Man. user choiceAdventure648 Slings and Arrows user choiceAdventure649 A Door. Figures. user choiceAdventure65 The Prince of Wishful Thinking (Body) user choiceAdventure650 This Is Your Life. Your Horrible, Horrible Life. user choiceAdventure651 The Wall of Wailing user choiceAdventure652 A Door. Too Soon... user choiceAdventure653 Courier? I don't even... user choiceAdventure655 They Have a Fight, Triangle Loses user choiceAdventure656 Wheels Within Wheels user choiceAdventure657 You Grind 16 Rats, and Whaddya Get? user choiceAdventure658 Debasement user choiceAdventure659 How Does a Floating Platform Even Work? user choiceAdventure66 The Prince of Wishful Thinking (Wisdom) user choiceAdventure660 It's a Place Where Books Are Free user choiceAdventure661 Sphinx For the Memories user choiceAdventure662 Think or Thwim user choiceAdventure663 When You're a Stranger user choiceAdventure664 A Gracious Maze user choiceAdventure666 The Fast and the Furry-ous user choiceAdventure67 The Prince of Wishful Thinking (Charm) user choiceAdventure670 You Don't Mess Around with Gym user choiceAdventure671 Out in the Open Source user choiceAdventure672 There's No Ability Like Possibility user choiceAdventure673 Putting Off Is Off-Putting user choiceAdventure674 Huzzah! user choiceAdventure675 Melon Collie and the Infinite Lameness user choiceAdventure676 Flavor of a Raver user choiceAdventure677 Copper Feel user choiceAdventure678 Yeah, You're for Me, Punk Rock Giant user choiceAdventure679 Keep On Turnin' the Wheel in the Sky user choiceAdventure68 She's So Unusual (Alcohol) user choiceAdventure680 Are you a Man or a Mouse? user choiceAdventure681 F-F-Fantastic! user choiceAdventure682 Now Leaving Jarlsberg, Population You user choiceAdventure683 There's a Wizard in My Gizzard user choiceAdventure685 Of Might and Magic user choiceAdventure687 The Final Reward user choiceAdventure69 She's So Unusual (Food) user choiceAdventure690 The First Chest Isn't the Deepest. user choiceAdventure691 Second Chest user choiceAdventure692 I Wanna Be a Door user choiceAdventure693 It's Almost Certainly a Trap user choiceAdventure694 Deeps Impact user choiceAdventure695 A Drawer of Chests user choiceAdventure7 How Depressing user choiceAdventure70 She's So Unusual (Herbs or Medicines) user choiceAdventure700 Ators Gonna Ate user choiceAdventure702 Mer-kin dreadscroll user choiceAdventure704 Playing the Catalog Card user choiceAdventure705 Halls Passing in the Night user choiceAdventure706 In The Temple of Violence, Shine Like Thunder user choiceAdventure707 Flex Your Pecs in the Narthex user choiceAdventure708 Don't Falter at the Altar user choiceAdventure709 You Beat Shub to a Stub, Bub user choiceAdventure71 A Journey to the Center of Your Mind user choiceAdventure710 They've Got Fun and Games user choiceAdventure711 They've Got Everything You Want user choiceAdventure712 Honey, They Know the Names user choiceAdventure713 You Brought Her To Her Kn-kn-kn-kn-knees, Knees. user choiceAdventure714 An Unguarded Door (1) user choiceAdventure715 Life in the Stillness user choiceAdventure716 An Unguarded Door (2) user choiceAdventure717 Over. Over Now. user choiceAdventure718 The Florist Friar's Cottage user choiceAdventure72 Lording Over The Flies user choiceAdventure721 The Cabin in the Dreadsylvanian Woods user choiceAdventure722 The Kitchen in the Woods user choiceAdventure723 What Lies Beneath (the Cabin) user choiceAdventure724 Where it's Attic user choiceAdventure725 The Tallest Tree in the Forest user choiceAdventure726 Top of the Tree, Ma! user choiceAdventure727 All Along the Watchtower user choiceAdventure728 Treebasing user choiceAdventure729 Below the Roots user choiceAdventure73 Don't Fence Me In user choiceAdventure730 Hot Coals user choiceAdventure731 The Heart of the Matter user choiceAdventure732 Once Midden, Twice Shy user choiceAdventure733 Dreadsylvanian Village Square user choiceAdventure734 Fright School user choiceAdventure735 Smith, Black as Night user choiceAdventure736 Good Noose, Everyone! user choiceAdventure737 The Even More Dreadful Part of Town user choiceAdventure738 A Dreadful Smell user choiceAdventure739 The Tinker's. Damn. user choiceAdventure74 The Only Thing About Him is the Way That He Walks user choiceAdventure740 Eight, Nine, Tenement user choiceAdventure741 The Old Duke's Estate user choiceAdventure742 The Plot Thickens user choiceAdventure743 No Quarter user choiceAdventure744 The Master Suite -- Sweet! user choiceAdventure745 This Hall is Really Great user choiceAdventure746 The Belle of the Ballroom user choiceAdventure747 Cold Storage user choiceAdventure748 Dining In (the Castle) user choiceAdventure749 Tower Most Tall user choiceAdventure75 Rapido! user choiceAdventure750 Working in the Lab, Late One Night user choiceAdventure751 Among the Quaint and Curious Tomes user choiceAdventure752 In The Boudoir user choiceAdventure753 The Dreadsylvanian Dungeon user choiceAdventure754 Live from Dungeon Prison user choiceAdventure755 The Hot Bowels user choiceAdventure756 Among the Fungus user choiceAdventure757 End of the Path user choiceAdventure759 You're About to Fight City Hall user choiceAdventure76 Junction in the Trunction user choiceAdventure760 Holding Court user choiceAdventure761 Staring Upwards... user choiceAdventure762 Try New Extra-Strength Anvil user choiceAdventure763 The Machine user choiceAdventure765 Hello, Gallows user choiceAdventure766 Tales of Dread user choiceAdventure768 The Littlest Identity Crisis user choiceAdventure769 The Super Secret Canadian Mind-Control Device user choiceAdventure77 Minnesota Incorporeals user choiceAdventure770 It Was All a Horrible, Horrible Dream user choiceAdventure772 Opening up the Folder Holder user choiceAdventure775 If You Could Only See user choiceAdventure779 Action Elevator user choiceAdventure78 Broken user choiceAdventure781 Earthbound and Down user choiceAdventure782 Water You Dune user choiceAdventure784 You, M. D. user choiceAdventure785 Air Apparent user choiceAdventure786 Working Holiday user choiceAdventure787 Fire When Ready user choiceAdventure788 Life is Like a Cherry of Bowls user choiceAdventure789 Where Does The Lone Ranger Take His Garbagester? user choiceAdventure79 A Hustle Here, a Hustle There user choiceAdventure790 Legend of the Temple in the Hidden City user choiceAdventure8 On the Verge of a Dirge user choiceAdventure80 Take a Look, it's in a Book! (Rise) user choiceAdventure800 Behind the Music. Literally. user choiceAdventure804 Trick or Treat! user choiceAdventure805 A Sietch in Time user choiceAdventure806 A Fun-Size Dilemma user choiceAdventure808 Silence at last user choiceAdventure81 Take a Look, it's in a Book! (Fall) user choiceAdventure810 K.R.A.M.P.U.S. facility user choiceAdventure811 What Warbears Are Good For user choiceAdventure814 The Spoils of Warbears user choiceAdventure815 Make Love, Not Warbears user choiceAdventure816 Let Slip the Bears of War user choiceAdventure817 The Hundred-Years Warbear user choiceAdventure818 The Prince's Ball (In the Restroom) user choiceAdventure82 One Nightstand (White) user choiceAdventure823 The Prince's Ball (On the Dance Floor) user choiceAdventure824 The Prince's Ball (The Kitchen) user choiceAdventure825 The Prince's Ball (On the Balcony) user choiceAdventure826 The Prince's Ball (The Lounge) user choiceAdventure827 The Prince's Ball (At the Canapes Table) user choiceAdventure829 We All Wear Masks user choiceAdventure83 One Nightstand (Mahogany) user choiceAdventure830 Cooldown user choiceAdventure831 Intrusion user choiceAdventure832 Shower Power user choiceAdventure833 Vendie, Vidi, Vici user choiceAdventure834 Back Room Dealings user choiceAdventure835 Barely Tales user choiceAdventure836 On Purple Pond user choiceAdventure838 General Mill user choiceAdventure839 The Sounds of the Undergrounds user choiceAdventure84 One Nightstand (Ornate) user choiceAdventure840 Hop on Rock Pops user choiceAdventure841 Building, Structure, Edifice user choiceAdventure842 The Gingerbread Warehouse user choiceAdventure843 Shen Copperhead, Nightclub Owner user choiceAdventure85 One Nightstand (Wooden) user choiceAdventure852 Shen Copperhead, Jerk user choiceAdventure853 Shen Copperhead, Huge Jerk user choiceAdventure854 Shen Copperhead, World's Biggest Jerk user choiceAdventure855 This Looks Like a Good Bush for an Ambush user choiceAdventure857 Bench Warrant user choiceAdventure858 Fire Up Above user choiceAdventure859 Upping Your Grade user choiceAdventure86 History is Fun! (The Rise of the House of Spookyraven) user choiceAdventure860 Another Tired Retread user choiceAdventure861 Station of the Gas user choiceAdventure862 Me and Cinderella Put It All Together user choiceAdventure863 Endowing the Cowling user choiceAdventure864 Diving into the Mufflers user choiceAdventure865 Ayy, Sit on It user choiceAdventure866 Methinks the Protesters Doth Protest Too Little user choiceAdventure867 End of Pete Road user choiceAdventure87 History is Fun! (The Fall of the House of Spookyraven) user choiceAdventure872 Rod Nevada, Vendor user choiceAdventure874 Add a Password user choiceAdventure875 Welcome To Our ool Table user choiceAdventure876 One Simple Nightstand user choiceAdventure877 One Mahogany Nightstand user choiceAdventure878 One Ornate Nightstand user choiceAdventure879 One Rustic Nightstand user choiceAdventure88 Naughty, Naughty... user choiceAdventure880 One Elegant Nightstand user choiceAdventure881 Never Gonna Make You Up user choiceAdventure882 Chasin' Babies user choiceAdventure885 Chasin' Babies user choiceAdventure886 Chasin' Babies user choiceAdventure887 Lights Out in the Storage Room user choiceAdventure89 Out in the Garden user choiceAdventure891 Lights Out in the Laundry Room user choiceAdventure892 Lights Out in the Bathroom user choiceAdventure893 Lights Out in the Kitchen user choiceAdventure894 Lights Out in the Library user choiceAdventure895 Lights Out in the Ballroom user choiceAdventure896 Lights Out in the Gallery user choiceAdventure897 Lights Out in the Bedroom user choiceAdventure898 Lights Out in the Nursery user choiceAdventure899 Lights Out in the Conservatory user choiceAdventure9 Wheel in the Clouds in the Sky, Keep On Turning (G) user choiceAdventure90 Curtains user choiceAdventure900 Lights Out in the Billiards Room user choiceAdventure901 Lights Out in the Wine Cellar user choiceAdventure902 Lights Out in the Boiler Room user choiceAdventure903 Lights Out in the Laboratory user choiceAdventure904 Louvre It or Leave It (Relativity Start) user choiceAdventure905 Louvre It or Leave It (The Persistence of Memory) user choiceAdventure906 Louvre It or Leave It (Piet Mondrian) user choiceAdventure907 Louvre It or Leave It (The Scream) user choiceAdventure908 Louvre It or Leave It (The Birth of Venus) user choiceAdventure909 Louvre It or Leave It (The Creation of Adam) user choiceAdventure91 Louvre It or Leave It user choiceAdventure910 Louvre It or Leave It (The Death of Socrates) user choiceAdventure911 Louvre It or Leave It (Nighthawks) user choiceAdventure912 Louvre It or Leave It (Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte) user choiceAdventure913 Louvre It or Leave It (The Last Supper) user choiceAdventure914 Louvre It or Leave It user choiceAdventure915 Et Tu, Buff Jimmy? user choiceAdventure916 Taco Dan's Taco Stand's Taco Dan user choiceAdventure917 Do You Even Brogurt user choiceAdventure918 Yachtzee! user choiceAdventure919 Break Time! user choiceAdventure92 Louvre It or Leave It (Relativity Start) user choiceAdventure920 Eraser user choiceAdventure921 We'll All Be Flat user choiceAdventure922 Summoning Chamber user choiceAdventure923 All Over the Map user choiceAdventure924 You Found Your Thrill user choiceAdventure925 The Blackest Smith user choiceAdventure926 Be Mine user choiceAdventure927 Sunday Black Sunday user choiceAdventure928 The Blackberry Cobbler user choiceAdventure929 Control Freak user choiceAdventure93 Louvre It or Leave It (Relativity 1) user choiceAdventure930 Another Errand I Mean Quest user choiceAdventure931 Lost in Space... Ship user choiceAdventure936 The Nerve Center user choiceAdventure937 The Spacement user choiceAdventure938 The Ship's Kitchen user choiceAdventure939 What Outfit? user choiceAdventure94 Louvre It or Leave It (Relativity 2) user choiceAdventure940 Let Your Fists Do The Walking user choiceAdventure941 This Turtle Rocks! user choiceAdventure942 Even Tamer Than Usual user choiceAdventure943 Really Sticking Her Neck Out user choiceAdventure944 More Like... Hurtle user choiceAdventure945 Musk! Musk! Musk! user choiceAdventure946 Armchair Quarterback user choiceAdventure947 Two Birds user choiceAdventure948 Two Birds user choiceAdventure949 One Bucket user choiceAdventure95 Louvre It or Leave It (Relativity 3) user choiceAdventure950 Time-Twitching Tower Voting / Phone Booth user choiceAdventure951 They Did the Vote. They Did the Monster Vote. user choiceAdventure952 Choose wisely. Or choose carelessly. Who cares. user choiceAdventure953 Name That Team... user choiceAdventure954 Ook the Mook user choiceAdventure955 Time Cave. Period. user choiceAdventure956 What does the future hold? user choiceAdventure957 It Came from Beneath the Sewer? Great! user choiceAdventure958 Close, but Yes Cigar user choiceAdventure959 Slow and Steady Wins the Brawl user choiceAdventure96 Louvre It or Leave It (Piet Mondrian) user choiceAdventure960 Harem Scarum user choiceAdventure961 The worst kind of drowning user choiceAdventure962 The Real Victims user choiceAdventure963 Slow Food user choiceAdventure964 Stormy Weather user choiceAdventure965 Slow Road to Hell user choiceAdventure966 Why Is the World In Love Again? user choiceAdventure967 The Thunder Rolls... user choiceAdventure968 The Rain Falls Down With Your Help... user choiceAdventure969 And The Lightning Strikes... user choiceAdventure97 Louvre It or Leave It (The Scream) user choiceAdventure970 Rainy Fax Dreams on your Wedding Day user choiceAdventure971 They Did the Vote. They Did the Monster Vote. user choiceAdventure972 They Did the Vote. They Did the Monster Vote. user choiceAdventure973 Shoe Repair Store user choiceAdventure974 Around The World user choiceAdventure975 Crazy Still After All These Years user choiceAdventure976 Ed the Undrowning user choiceAdventure977 The Chariot-Racing Colosseum user choiceAdventure978 They Did the Vote. They Did the Monster Vote. user choiceAdventure979 The Agora user choiceAdventure98 Louvre It or Leave It (The Birth of Venus) user choiceAdventure980 Welcome to Blessings Hut user choiceAdventure981 The Back Room user choiceAdventure982 The 99-Centurion Store user choiceAdventure983 Playing Dice With Romans user choiceAdventure984 A Radio on a Beach user choiceAdventure985 The Odd Jobs Board user choiceAdventure986 A Mysterious Control Panel user choiceAdventure987 The Post-Apocalyptic Survivor Encampment user choiceAdventure988 Build a Crimbot! user choiceAdventure99 Louvre It or Leave It (The Creation of Adam) user choiceAdventure992 Inside the Fully Automated Crimbo Factory user choiceAdventure993 Tales of Spelunking user choiceAdventure994 Prize votin'?? user choiceAdventure998 Game of Cards